Why NIV at Home Survey By ClarityCraig | July 3, 2023 | Comments Off on Why NIV at Home Survey "*" indicates required fields PART 1: Teaching Effectiveness of the PresentersPlease rate the teaching effectiveness of the presenters using the scale below:Section 1: NIV and its importanceOrganization* Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior Delivery* Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior Content* Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior Audio Visual* Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior Section 2: NIV vs. Bi-Level and its feature optionsOrganization* Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior Delivery* Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior Content* Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior Audio Visual* Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior Section 3: Who can benefit from NIV?Organization* Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior Delivery* Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior Content* Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior Audio Visual* Poor Fair Good Excellent Superior PART 2: Your Achievement of Educational ObjectivesPlease rate the degree to which you believe you achieved the educational objectives for this symposium by placing a check mark in the appropriate boxI achieved this activity’s educational objectives…Define NIV and its importance* Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Review differences between NIV & Bi-Level* Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Help clinicians identify patient populations that would benefit from domiciliary NIV* Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree Discuss physiology of disease processes and how NIV can help* Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree PART 3: Program IntegrityIndicate your agreement with the following statement by checking the appropriate response:The content of this course was presented without bias of any commercial product or drug* Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree If you believe that any specific session was presented with commercial bias please indicate:(Optional) Please provide additional comments or suggestions on the event, topics and presenters: